Defense Machinism (Customers & Brands)

Pr campaigns that are inclusive to their targets let them be part of the solution by allowing their opinions to be voiced out through their PR strategies. 

As much as PR is more about influencing the views of others about a certain subject, in oder to be more impactful in doing so, you should let the people you are trying to influence to be part of the solution through allowing them to be part of the process that will change their views and perspective about your brand. 

For example: we have Brand x that has being getting blows in the media for offering products that are not of good quality as the customer expects them to be

These results in the customers lack of trust towards Brand x, and now the customers decided to no longer support Brand x. Brand now starts to experience a decline in sales.

As a solution, Brand x decides to launch a campaign where customers of brand x will send recommendations. This will be ways to be used in their approach in making Brand x a favorite to them again

The strategy used sends out a message to Brand x's customers that it recognises its mistakes and its willing to improve their products the way their customers would like to see it. 

What you should realise is that customers will always be loyal to your brand even after it has been flopping a bit and they will wait for you to improve and come back to you again as they have found a home within your brand

Involve your customers to create a strong needed defense machinism(loyal customers) that you will need in future when facing a crisis




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